Pleb talk with Will

In this months Pleb talk we sit down with San Antonio Bitcoin Club mining source Will here we go over:
- Will's bitcoin story
- Mining Syndicate's Mission
- Split Shares
- Building in a bear market
- Why mining is tough right now
- Reasons to mine bitcoin
- Why Trust Mining Syndicate
- Interacting with other bitcoin meet ups
- Meeting and talking with plebs in real life
- How bitcoin stirs the waters
- C.A.R & Latin America adopting bitcoin as legal tender
- Different on ramps
- True value around the world
- How code is law
- Building on bitcoin and lightning
- How C.B.D.C is communistic
- S.A.B.C's mission
- Hive Master Mind Concept
- Words for the common person interested in bitcoin mining
- Austrian economics vs Keynesian Economics
- Looking into the 13 year history of bitcoin/crypto
- Educating the masses
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